Finally! For the past 5 months this epic piece has been worked and reworked to perfection! Originally slated for a February release we were knocked down by a failing hard-drive, causing us to have to rework several weeks of work. Now.. the cartoon is ready for launch... But.. why haven't we released it already? Well, we're tweaking in additional shading and polish *while finishing the soundtrack* And that, is all that holds it back! So prepare for the Taco Buttfish of 2010 ... complete hand-drawn, frame by frame, beautiful masterpieces that is... The Beast Snacks! Hope your all as excited as we are... and prepare for launch... NEXT WEEK! Add us to your favorite artist list and we'll send you a PM the day it goes official! And here's some eye-candy to hold you over until next week!
-Taco Buttfish.
This looks awesome!
Hope to see you here at launch next week!
-Taco Buttfish.